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Hi, I’m Matt Tibbles. A former British Army Physical Training Instructor, Professional Athlete, turned Personal Trainer with 20 years of experience and Life Coach.

TIBBS - ​’Toughness in Battle Breeds Success’ was born from my own life experiences. I was bullied at school, battled with drug addiction, depression and PTSD. I’ve been injured as an athlete and beaten to the ground physically and mentally.

I’ve had many setbacks in life, but I'm grateful for them. They taught me a lot about myself, my strength and how to change my mindset. I’m not telling you this to feel sorry for me. I’m sharing this, because I believe you have two choices in life; be a victim of your circumstances or grow from your experiences. Our hardest times can lead to our greatest achievements and every battle in life is preparing you for greater success.

Everyday we have the power to choose how we think and react. As Viktor Frankl said: “between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

I choose to live peacefully with purpose and have a cold shower every morning. Think I'm nuts? Maybe I am. But it sets me up the right way for my day. How do you want to live? In fear, anxiety or depression? Do you want your challenges in life to hold you back? Are you happy to sit back and do nothing? Pretend to be happy and stay where you are? What if you could be living your wildest dreams? How would that make you feel? 

Don't let your battles be your downfall. I created TIBBS coaching, because I’ve been where you are and I want you to become the BEST version of you! Our physical and mental health must be a priority in life. If it’s not, you’re the only thing stopping you from what you want to be. 

So act now! You have to pay the price for purpose and peace. I’ve done it and I want you to as well. If you're reading my story, it’s because you probably want to change something in your life. 

This is where change begins! 

No matter where you are in life and what challenges you're facing, I believe you can always do more to achieve greatness. Be prepared to get uncomfortable to get where you want to be. This is a safe place where you can be yourself and we will hold you accountable to make sure you’re taking action. Watch your life transform before your eyes. 

You want it? Then let’s get it!

Reach out today! Take the step. 

Speak soon.

Matt Tibbles

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